Abomination of Desolation

The “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” is an event prophesied by Daniel and referenced in the New Testament in Matthew 24:14-16.

This prophecy was fulfilled in Atlanta on December 17, 1994, when Joseph Tkach Sr. gave his infamous sermon, where he set forth to change the laws of God. This sermon attempted to defile and destroy the very "temple of God," which is God's Church. As a result, the Apostasy, or the "falling away," was initiated.

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 6; Website Publications page, “The 57 Truths of God,” Truth #25)


Some religions claim that God forbids the consumption of any type of alcoholic drink, but this is not true. The apostle Paul even suggested to drink “a little wine for your stomach’s sake” (I Timothy 5:23). One of Christ's first miracles was turning water into wine, and deeper study of the words reveals it was indeed wine, not grape juice.

Without delving into all the scriptural references on alcohol, it can be summarized that scripture only forbids the excessive use of alcohol that leads to drunkenness. God's Church teaches that alcohol should be used in moderation and never to excess. It should not impair speech, thinking, alertness, reactions, or motor skills, especially when considering activities like driving a motor vehicle.

In cases where someone has lost control over their alcohol use and has become an alcoholic, moderation is unwise. For an alcoholic, avoiding alcohol altogether is necessary.


Antichrist is not about the Pope, a world leader, or any other single individual "in the world." It refers specifically to those within the Church who work against Christ and God's purpose in their lives. As revealed in 1 John 2, there have been “many” antichrists throughout the ages of the Church. This passage makes it clear that these individuals were part of the true Church of God but left the truth and opposed Joshua the Christ’s purpose of “living in” the members of the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit to complete God’s work in them.

Antichrist simply means “against Christ.” The "world" has never been called to the truth and has not been given the opportunity for God’s Spirit to dwell "in" them. If someone "works against" this purpose, they become an antichrist. Not allowing God and Christ to dwell within oneself, due to the refusal to repent of sin, is to deny the reason Christ died for us as our Passover. He died for our sins so that the Father and Son could dwell in us.

(Website Publications page article, “The 57 Truths of God,” Truth #41)

Apostasy – Falling Away

The word “apostasy” comes from a Greek word used in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that is often translated into English as “falling away” and “rebellion.” The context of 2 Thessalonians 2 is for the end-time, before the return of Joshua the Christ, and not for the period of the early apostles. This apostasy had to occur before the unfolding of end-time events that would lead to the return of Joshua the Christ.

(Website Publications page article, “The 57 Truths of God,” Truth #22)


In what is often referred to as “Old Testament times,” God worked primarily through His prophets to reveal future prophetic events and to give His truth, law, and judgments to mankind.

After the life of Christ, God established apostles as the primary individuals through whom He would work within His Church to reveal and record truth. There have also been a few prophets whom God has raised up in His Church to fulfill specific functions, especially geared toward the end-time.

God reveals that He is building His Kingdom through the work of both prophets and apostles.

“Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God [a spiritual temple], and you are being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Joshua the Christ himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building is being fitly framed together and growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for an habitation of God through the spirit”(Ephesians 2:19-22).

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 5 and 6)


Atonement is about the process by which mankind can become reconciled to God. This process is revealed through God’s fifth annual Sabbath, the Day of Atonement.

When someone is called by God into a relationship with Him, they can begin a process of spiritual growth. This involves overcoming their own nature and allowing God to transform the way they think (Romans 12:1-2), bringing them into unity and harmony with His one true way of life. After successfully going through this entire process, a person can be made fully at one with God by being changed from mortal to immortal, from physical to spiritual, entering into the Kingdom of God.

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 8)

Apocalypse and Armageddon

Both terms, "Apocalypse" and "Armageddon," have been horribly misunderstood and misinterpreted from scripture. The viewpoint that many have about end-time events have come from fictitious stories about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The real meaning of the word “apocalypse” has changed over the centuries, primarily due to confusion created by traditional Christianity through their various interpretations of John’s Book of Revelation. The word “apocalypse” first appeared in Greek and Latin. John used the Greek word “apokalyptein” in his writing, which means “to uncover, disclose, and reveal.”

Nearly 300 years later, when the Catholic Church commissioned the Bible to be translated into Latin, the word “apocalypsis,” meaning “revelation,” began to be used. Much later, during the period of Middle English, this word carried the meaning of “insight or vision” and even “hallucination.”

In the mid-1800s, interpretations of the Book of Revelation began to give the word “apocalypse” a prophetic meaning, implying cataclysmic events and the belief in an imminent end of the present world.

Over the past few decades, traditional Christianity has greatly exaggerated this terminology, creating interpretations that now suggest a completely different definition that involve a complete final destruction of the world, great catastrophic tribulation on earth before WWIII begins, theories about a final Armageddon (the last and completely destructive battle of mankind), and a great battle between God and mankind.

Armageddon refers to events of the Sixth Trumpet in the Book of Revelation. Specifically, it describes the final events during WWIII, just before Christ’s second coming. The events of this Sixth Trumpet primarily involve the destruction caused by China and Russia through massive use of nuclear weapons, which lead to Christ's intervention to end the war.

The Apocalypse and Armageddon are not about the complete destruction of the earth or mankind. They describe end-time events that lead up to the establishment of a new world ruled by Joshua the Christ, who will bring an end to mankind’s 6,000 years of failed governments.

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 5, 6 and 7)


Due to the different teachings of churches, there is often confusion about the observance of birthdays.

For many families, a birthday is a natural time to remember the beginning of someone's life. People naturally remember the date of their birth. There is nothing wrong with recognizing such important times, just as someone would remember important anniversaries, such as a marriage. Remembering such occasions and acknowledging them is natural and good. It is beneficial to express love and gratitude toward others, whether verbally or through cards or letters. However, sometimes people tend to go overboard in their celebrations.

Some people celebrate in ways that lead to sin, such as excessive alcohol consumption or underage drinking. Matters of sexual immorality, drunkenness, and other improper conduct are sometimes associated with various celebrations. This is obviously wrong.

The caution in celebrating birthdays is that yearly parties should not be conducted where many people are invited and gifts are expected. Such celebrations often foster a spirit of "get," selfishness, and unwarranted expectations from others. It is often better to recognize special milestones in life in unique ways that give more recognition than usual. For example, celebrating milestones at ages 13 (becoming a teenager), 21 (coming of age), and 50 (a significant milestone) is similar to recognizing a 25th or 50th wedding anniversary. The milestones and celebrations can vary according to individuality and personal choice, with no absolute right or wrong.

There is nothing wrong with having a special meal or a cake for an anniversary or special occasion. It is perfectly fine to participate in any celebration that upholds right standards. Such celebrations might include birthdays, anniversaries, national holidays, and personal occasions like graduations. These decisions should be based on personal choice and the spirit of the celebration.

Christmas – Origin

The observance of Christmas has no basis in scripture and is not the time of year when Christ was actually born. According to historical accounts in scripture, Christ was born in early fall. Information on this is readily available through Internet searches.

The idea that Christ was born near the winter solstice was assimilated into a religious observance by the Church of Rome in the 12th century. At that time, a festival established by a Roman emperor, Aurelian, already existed. Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire and a patron of soldiers.

On December 25, AD 274, Aurelian made Sol Invictus an official deity alongside other traditional Roman deities. The reason Christmas became recognized by the Roman Church is documented in an annotation to a manuscript by a 12th-century bishop, Jacob Bar-Salibi.

It states: "It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnized on that day."

Christmas is a creation of the Roman Catholic Church, combining "Christ" and "mass," the central liturgical ritual of the Catholic Church. The overwhelming majority of those in traditional Christianity observe Christmas, but this has never been recognized by God’s Church or by those Christians who trace their doctrine and lineage back to the original Church of 31 AD.

Some may ask, what is the harm in observing Christmas if Santa Claus is a fable and it is not really the time of Christ’s birth? It matters if you care about what God instructs regarding the intermingling of practices and customs in the worship of other gods.

(See also in the Topics section, “God’s True Church” and The Fall of the United States, Chapter 4)

Church of God – PKG

The subject of who is the Church of God-PKG (Preparing for the Kingdom of God) is best understood by seeking God's guidance and revelation about His own Church. God and His Son, Joshua the Christ, are the only ones who can reveal the true Church of God. This is a spiritual matter and not one determined by human logic, discovery, study, intellect, or past knowledge.

The Church of God-PKG is not "Ron Weinland's" Church; it is God's Church. Membership in the Church is not a matter of physical enrollment. One is either baptized into the Body of Christ, the true Church of God (which is spiritual), or not. If a person has the impregnation of God's Spirit (begotten of God's Spirit) and has not been cut off from its flow into their life, then such a person is IN God's Church.

The physical organization of the Church of God-PKG is precisely that—a physical organization. It receives the tithes of God's people and uses them to teach and lead those whom God has called (or is calling) and to cover all other expenses associated with the work God has given His Church to accomplish.

The Church of God-PKG is incorporated to manage the business needs of God's Church. By receiving government recognition of non-profit status, people in many regions can legally deduct tithes and offerings on their tax returns, providing the benefit of personal financial savings.

Clothing Styles

(See “Makeup, Clothing, and Hair Styles" in this Topics section)

Conspiracy Theories, Misguided Ideologies and Philosophies

There are many conspiracy theories, as well as very misguided ideologies and philosophies in the world alleging that various groups such as bankers, Jews, the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Illuminati, Masons, Bilderbergers, and others are conspiring to control or take over the world. Other unsound ideas under the definition of “conspiracy theories” include beliefs that the earth is flat, that mankind never landed on the moon, and strange notions about black helicopters, chemtrails, and RFID chip implants in humans, among many more.

The Church of God believes that studying into such writings or theories is unwise and of no benefit whatsoever. In actuality, they can be very harmful to sound human reasoning.

Many of these are devices of Satan, offering supposed "hidden" knowledge that can lead people away from God's truth. Studying into such things can actually work to turn a person away from what God reveals is true. Focusing on what is true helps to reveal what is actually in error in mankind’s ways.

Indeed, "power centers" do exist within business, political, and economic organizations around the world. All segments of our society are responsible for their national woes, sickness, and immorality. The one behind it all is the master deceiver, Satan the devil, whose goal is to thwart the plan of God. Revelation 12:9 states, "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

The bottom line is that no government, organization, or secret group will succeed in controlling events in this world to bring about any lasting change they seek through their efforts. The truth is, we are at the very end of mankind's self-rule on this earth, and even Satan's rule is about to end. Nothing and no one can stop this from taking place!


God created the universe and the earth millions of years ago. Dinosaurs, along with other plant life, were also created on the earth at that time. God placed the earth and its care under the rule of a spirit being named Lucifer. When Lucifer rebelled against his Creator, his name changed to Satan, and he led a rebellion involving a third of the angelic realm. As a result, all physical life, including the dinosaurs, was destroyed. The bones of these dinosaurs have been found across the earth and are dated to be millions of years old.

(The Prophesied End-Time, Chapter 6)

Dreams and Visions

The Bible reveals that in times past, servants of God were given visions and dreams for specific reasons and to convey special messages. Today, God speaks to His people through the Bible and His true ministry.

Sometimes, Satan can cause dreams, visions, or emotional sensations in people. However, as one strives to live in a right relationship with God, neither Satan nor the demonic world can have harmful influence or control over their life.

When someone has a dream, they should not try to read any special meaning into it, as dreams are a common part of sleep. God teaches His ways and truths through His true ministry and reveals the truth to a person's mind by the power of His spirit, as they hear or read what has been given through His true ministers. God does not work outside the organization and government of His Church to give visions or dreams to people. This even includes those who might be in God’s Church but are not part of His government or ministry.

Easter Vs. Passover

The controversy of Easter vs. Passover came to a head in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. This council, called and presided over by Roman Emperor Constantine, outlawed the Passover observance, which is commanded by God in the Old Testament scriptures, within the Roman Empire. Instead, Easter was established as the focal point of the new state religion, replacing Passover. Even the day of Christ’s resurrection was set to this new holiday of Easter.

Nowhere in scripture is the name Easter mentioned or given as a time to be observed by God’s people, but Passover is in scripture. You may find the word “Easter” in your bible translation; however, this is actually a false translation from the Greek. The correct translation is “Passover.”

For hundreds of years up to the time of Christ, the nation of Judah observed the annual commanded assembly of Passover in the springtime, on the 14th day of their first month, known as Abib or Nissan. Christ and his disciples kept this observance on the last day of his physical life on earth, the very day he was put to death.

This observance began when the children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt, and God chose a specific time to free them from captivity. God fulfills prophetic events in a meticulous, exacting, and precise manner. The Bible states that God fulfilled this event in just such a manner:

“Then it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Eternal went out from the land of Egypt” (Exodus 12:41).

Christ and his disciples also kept the commanded observance of Passover when the lamb was killed, roasted, and eaten. The symbolism was about Christ himself, who would come into the world to fulfill the first great phase of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. Christ came as the Lamb of God to fulfill the role of Passover—to have his blood spilled upon the earth as he was killed to fulfill his role as the true Passover for all mankind.

After the original disciples were chosen to be apostles and sent to the Israelites, Christ later chose another apostle, Paul, whose primary work was to take God’s truth to foreigners. Here is what Paul wrote:

“Thoroughly clean out the old leaven [yeast] so that you may be a new lump of dough, even as you are already unleavened [homes were unleavened—yeast and leavened bread products removed]. For even Christ our Passover is killed for us. Therefore, let us keep the Feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

Those in traditional Christianity have little grasp of what Paul is saying here because they have never been taught about it by their preachers and teachers. Instead, many teachers use these verses to support the false premise that God’s law was done away with through Christ and the New Testament, and that obedience to the observance of the 7th day Sabbath (the day after the 6th day, Friday) was no longer required after Christ’s death and resurrection.

These verses, and those preceding and following them, were written over 20 years after the death of Christ. They clearly reveal that the Church still observed the commandment to observe the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasted for seven days after the Passover day.

Paul emphasized the importance of keeping the commanded annual Holy Days that immediately follow the Passover day. He not only spoke of the importance of their observance but also explained their spiritual intent and meaning. Again, he stated, “Therefore let us keep the Feast.”

(For further details, see The Fall of the United States, Chapter 8, page 208; Chapter 4, page 85 under the subtitle, “The Origin of the Roman Catholic Church,” and page 97 under “Passover Vs. Easter”)

Fellowship In God’s Church

True fellowship is a spiritual matter. God's Church is not like other churches in the world. Most teach that you can come "just as you are," but this is a false teaching. You cannot come into true fellowship "just as you are" based on what you "think" is right before God. If someone already knows what is right, they do not need God's Church.

Joshua the Christ paid the penalty for sin by being our Passover. One cannot fully receive that Passover sacrifice until baptism in God's true Church. It is through baptism that sin can be forgiven. God begins drawing people to His truth, which can eventually lead to the one true baptism in life. He offers those He calls the opportunity, through grace, to come into fellowship in His Church if they respond to Him in sincerity, truth, and obedience.

There are requirements one must meet before coming into fellowship with others in God's Church, with those in whom His spirit dwells. God reveals that one must “bring forth fruit” that reflects evidence of true repentance. The word “repent” in the New Testament literally means “to think differently.”

When called by God, each person must choose to begin thinking differently about the way of life they have been living. By God’s design and purpose, from birth, mankind has human nature, which is inherently selfish. When called by God, a person is confronted with a second way of life, which they can choose to live by changing from the way of human nature to seeking God’s one and only true way of life in His Family. This requires a transformation in the mind, which can only happen through the help of God’s spirit dwelling within them (Romans 12:1-2).

To come into fellowship with God’s Church, one must apply what God has given in the CONTACT section of the website. If people perceive God and His Church as "elitist," that is their choice, but God does place conditions upon those who truly desire His ways. Keeping the seventh day Sabbath (which follows Friday, the sixth day of the week) is a good example. If people are not willing to obey God in such basic ways, they cannot be invited into fellowship with His Church.

A person must be “called” by God to come into fellowship (communion) with Him, His Son Joshua the Christ, and His Church. To be in true fellowship with God, a person must begin living in the light (truth) and seek to have God's spirit dwelling in them. If that is the case, then a person can have true fellowship with others whom God has called, those in whom God dwells because they share the same mind.

Funeral or Wedding Attendance

Choosing whether or not to attend an event such as a funeral or wedding performed by a false minister or in a church that is not God’s is a personal decision.

This question often arises due to concerns about attending such services officiated over by a false minister or held in a church of a different faith. It can also be about whether it’s permissible to attend such events on God’s weekly Sabbath.

Ultimately, the decision is entirely up to the individual. It shouldn’t be influenced by external pressures from family or others in God’s Church who may have their own opinions. Instead, the choice should be based on one’s best judgment, seeking to align with sound principles and a true relationship with God.

The fact that a false minister is conducting the service shouldn't be a major concern. We understand that the world is full of deception, and we can distinguish between truth and falsehood. The key is not to participate in any part of the service that aligns with other religious beliefs. For example, during prayers, we do not bow our heads, kneel, say "amen," or participate in any way that can reflect agreement. During communion or other practices, one can simply stay as inconspicuous as possible without participating.

The decision becomes more complex when it involves God’s Sabbath. The most important consideration is to listen to the Sabbath sermon on that day. If live attendance isn’t possible, listening to a previous sermon on the Sabbath may be an option.

Attending a wedding on the Sabbath should be minimized to just the ceremony itself. One should avoid any parties of festivities that involve excessive drinking or boisterous type of activity. The closeness of the family relationship should also be considered.

Attending a funeral can be more pressing, especially when it does involve family. Family relationships can be strained due to one’s commitment to God and His Church. Some family members might reject you because of your beliefs. In such cases, not attending the funeral could add to the strain, giving the impression that you don’t care about the family. Showing genuine love and concern during such difficult times can be wise and might often help some family members' attitudes towards you and the Church.

God’s Plan for Mankind

God's plan for humanity is best understood through the teachings of His Holy Days. These are explained in detail in the chapter, "God's Holy Days Reveal His Plan," in the book below.

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 8)

God’s True Church

When did God’s Church actually begin? The first mention of people being added to the Church was right after Pentecost in 31 AD, when God began pouring out His Holy Spirit upon His disciples, just as He had promised. At this time, God started adding to the Church those He was calling to receive salvation.

Later in the Book of Acts, after this account of the beginning of the Church, Paul made it clear whose Church this was.

“So now, look. I have known that all of you, among whom I have gone preaching the Kingdom of God, will not see my face again. Therefore, I have called you to witness this day, that I am clear from the blood of any. For I have not held back from declaring unto you all the counsel of God. Therefore, take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the holy spirit has made you overseers, to feed the Church of God, which He has purchased with His own blood [the blood of His Son]” (Acts 20:25-28).

Paul’s instruction to the ministry is the first clear identification that the Church belongs to God. The term “Church of God” is consistently used in subsequent scriptures. The Church is never described as belonging to anyone else, not even to Christ, although he is identified as its head.

Since 31 AD, the group calling themselves Christian all call themselves after whose Church it is, just as Christ said it should be – the Church of God. This group does not belong to any other name or system.

There is a significant difference between two groups that call themselves Christian. One group has been known as the Church of God since 31 AD, and the other is an organization that began forming in 325 AD, which has grown into what is now best recognized as “traditional Christianity,” comprising tens of thousands of denominations and nondenominational churches. Additionally, it should be noted that some few organizations who call themselves the Church of God are actually part of “traditional Christianity” that has most of its beliefs founded upon the Roman Church whose origin began in 325 AD.

This group of Christianity that began in 325 AD believes Jesus is the Christ who was resurrected on a Sunday morning at sunrise—on Easter, after being in the tomb for only a day and a half.

The other group of Christianity believes Joshua is the Christ who was dead and in the tomb for exactly three days and three nights, just as he said would be the only sign that he was the Messiah. He was then resurrected to everlasting spirit life at the end of the weekly Sabbath day, just before the first day of the week (Sunday) began at sundown on that seventh day of the week. This Church has remained small, as God intended, until it is to encompass the whole earth after Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God during his Millennial reign.

There is much more to this story of God’s true Church and traditional Christianity. It is covered in depth in the chapter, “Turmoil Within Religion,” in the book listed below.

(The Fall of the United States, Chapter 4)

Hair Styles

(See “Makeup, Clothing, and Hair Styles" in this Topics section)

Halloween – Origin

All religious worship must be according to what God commands in His word. We are not to add to or take away from it. Mixing a little falsehood with a bit of the truth is not acceptable. Halloween is a man-made concept. As scripture says, “No lie is of the truth.” This holiday is explained in the following publication under the heading, “The Origin of Halloween.”

(Website Publications page, Children’s Bible Stories, page 83)

Heaven & Hell – Immortal Soul

Humans do not have immortal souls. Instead, we are temporary mortal beings who return to the elements of the earth upon death. No one goes to heaven or hell upon death. Only God can grant immortality, and that is given when, and if, one is resurrected/changed to spirit life within His Family, Elohim. This subject is addressed in the following chapter entitled, “A New Era for Mankind.”

(Website Publication page under Other Books, When the Countdown Ends, Chapter 7, beginning on page 194 of the section entitled “Resurrections Beyond That of the 144,000”)

Joshua, not Jesus, is the True Name of Christ

In the newly organized official Church of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine, the body of believers called Christ by the Greek name Iesous or the Latin name Iesus, which is translated as Jesus in English. But that was not the name the disciples and others of the Church that began in 31 AD called Christ. They called him by the Hebrew name of Yehoshua (translated as Joshua in English).

The name "Jesus" (Iesous in Greek, translated to Latin as Iesus) was adopted by the Catholic Church after 325 AD and then accepted by Protestant churches once they emerged hundreds of years later.

God instructed that the name given to His Son, born of Mary, should be Joshua. This was the same name as Joshua from the Old Testament, who led the Israelites into the Promised Land. The name means "the Eternal’s (Yahweh’s) salvation." In his physical life, the Messiah first came as the Passover lamb—indeed “the Eternal’s salvation” offered to mankind.

(More details are in The Fall of the United States, Chapter 4, under the section entitled “God the Father Named His Son Joshua”)

Laying on of Hands

The laying on of hands is a symbolic act that demonstrates God's work through His ministry. Biblically, it is practiced by the ordained ministry of God’s Church during the ordination of other ministers, in anointing the sick, and after someone has been newly baptized under water. When hands are laid upon a newly baptized individual, it signifies the moment that the impregnation (begettal) of God's spirit enters them, making them a member of the Body of Christ – the Church of God.

Makeup, Clothing, and Hair Styles

The Church of God teaches the importance of balance and moderation in life. This can become an issue when discussing clothing styles, as well as questions concerning the wearing of makeup and hair styles.

Some religious groups consider wearing makeup a sin and misinterpret scriptures to support their belief. Similarly, some religions claim that God forbids any consumption of alcohol. However, as discussed previously in the Topics under “Alcohol,” the Church of God teaches that scripture only forbids excessive alcohol use that can lead to drunkenness. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation and never to the extent that it impairs speech, thinking, alertness, or motor skills, which is particularly important when driving.

The principle of moderation also applies to the use of makeup. It should be used sparingly, as a way to highlight or enhance one's natural appearance. Society often misuses makeup with a sexual or provocative intent, of which many are unaware. Excessive reliance on makeup indicates a need for more balanced thinking.

Clothing styles should also reflect moderation which avoids some of the extremes of this world's standards, fads, and trends. Such choices should be more fully based on a desire to be a good representation of God’s people. It is important to ask whether we are more concerned with how God sees us or how the world perceives us.

Issues with clothing styles promoted by the world often effect women more, as they tend to be exploited in a distorted sexual manner. Modern technology and mass media have intensified this trend, pushing for shorter dresses, higher slits in skirts, lower and more revealing bust lines, tighter clothing, and generally less clothing. Women, whose thinking is influenced by different hormones, may not always fully grasp men's natural lustful tendencies. However, when they become aware of it, women can also misuse this knowledge by exploiting the carnal nature of men through provocative clothing.

This exploitation leads to a cycle where both women and men are negatively affected, fueling a deteriorating moral lifestyle. Modern technology exacerbates this trend, making it impossible to stop. Only God's soon coming millennial reign can change this distorted course for mankind and its evil influence that is attacking and altering the mind of innocent youth at increasingly younger ages in life.

The subject of hair styles also falls within the principles already mentioned. God gives guidelines for both men and women that one’s hairstyle should clearly reflect a difference between a man and a woman, especially in style and length. Hair should also have the appearance of what is natural, as in the color of one’s hair. Today the fad for many is to dye their hair with very unnatural colors such as green, pink, blue, etc.

Whether it is makeup, clothing, or hair styles, moderation is the best guide to being balanced.


A marital union is one of the most significant decisions a person will make in their lifetime. Therefore, marriage should not be entered into hastily but with careful planning and consideration. When contemplating marriage, one should consider factors relating to compatibility, tolerance, and differences such as in personality, intellect, cultural background, religious ideas and/or beliefs, upbringing, character, financial habits, and possibly views on child-rearing. A wise marriage is one in which each partner complements, rather than competes, with the other and can openly share things with one another.

In light of some cultures and religions that hold racial biases, it is important to note that the Church of God does not view interracial marriage as a sin, as some do.

The Church of God does teach what God instructs concerning marriage being between a man and a woman.

Night to be Much Observed

There have been some questions about how we should uniformly observe what is traditionally referred to as the "Night to be Much Observed," which took place after sunset at the beginning of the first Day of Unleavened Bread. In the past, the main way to celebrate this tradition involved getting together in a group, large or small, to share a meal; however, these gatherings typically did not involve a religious service or any discussion of its significance.

Let's examine what God instructed the Israelites that led to this tradition in God's Church.

The Israelites sprinkled lambs' blood on their doorposts in observance of the Passover as instructed by God. The following day, during the daylight portion of Passover (the 14th), they prepared to leave Egypt, and after sundown on Passover, beginning the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread (the 15th), they began their journey out of Egypt. Deuteronomy makes it clear that they left Egypt by night, specifically the night beginning the 15th of Abib.

After leaving Egypt, while in the wilderness, God gave the children of Israel His laws, statutes, and judgments, including instructions for observing Holy Days. Here is part of that instruction:

"Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover [this Holy Day season was to begin with the observance of the Passover on the night of the 14th and then the killing of animals on Passover day that were used in sacrifices and feasting once the 1st Day of U.B. began after sunset on the Passover day] unto the Eternal your God, for in the month of Abib the Eternal your God brought you forth out of Egypt by night [this is the night of the 15th that begins the Feast of U.B., the same night God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt]. You shall therefore sacrifice the passover [not the Passover lamb, as it was not sacrificed, but eaten on the night of the 14th] unto the Eternal your God, of the flock and the herd [clearly a reference to animals used in sacrifices and feasting once U.B. began, and not a reference to the Passover lamb], in the place which the Eternal shall choose to place His name there [this was not in their homes as with the eating of the lamb on Passover night, but later, in Jerusalem, in and around the temple region]. You shall eat no leavened bread with it [with the feasting during these days], and for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, even the bread of affliction, for you came forth out of the land of Egypt in haste, so that you might remember the day when you came forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life" (Deu. 16:1-3).

This account describes the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which began directly after Passover, after animals were killed during the daylight portion of Passover in preparation for keeping the first night of feasting, which was after sundown in the very beginning of the 15th. For the children of Israel, the time of sundown that leads into the first night of the Feast of U.B. was indeed a memorable reminder of their deliverance from Egypt.

"Now the season of dwelling for the children of Israel, who dwelled in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. Then it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Eternal went out from the land of Egypt. It is a night to be much observed unto the Eternal for bringing them out from the land of Egypt, and this is that night of the Eternal to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations" (Ex. 12:40-42).

As the Israelites were to observe Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread from generation to generation, the first night of the feasting together carried special meaning and remembrance of God's deliverance from Egypt.

Today, God's Church does not practice sacrifices or feasting as the physical children of Israel did on the annual High Days. The Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread hold deep spiritual lessons. We reflect, both privately and very often in sermons, on the spiritual meaning of our Passover and deliverance from Egypt (symbolic of sin) during the night (spiritually in this world, in this first age of mankind). We observe God's Holy Days in a spiritual manner and not in a physical one, except in those things that God specifically tells us to do in a physical manner (e.g., partaking of unleavened bread and wine on Passover night and the eating of unleavened bread for seven days).

While God's people often share meals on Holy Days, it is not commanded, nor is it specific to the first night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. That was strictly a tradition. Our observance is spiritual and private, between each of us and God. The phrase "night to be much observed" in Exodus 12 implies a "night watch" or vigil. The spiritual lesson should not escape us, just as Joshua the Christ told us of the necessity of always keeping vigil and watch over our spiritual lives, especially in the "night" of this world. We are to be of the day and not of the night as Paul said we should be: "You are all the children of the light, and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness" (1 Thes. 5:5).

In conclusion, it is beneficial for people to share special meals on God's Holy Days by choice. It can be on the first night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread or perhaps the 7th, but it should not be treated as a mandated religious observance or something that must be done after sundown at the beginning of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. The "Night to be Much Observed" is not a commanded assembly but marks the beginning of the first annual Holy Day, on which we do have a commanded assembly before God, as with all Holy Days.


(See the Publications page under “The Timing of Passover,” as well as the earlier topic, “Easter Vs. Passover”)

Passover Observance

Non-baptized individuals are not to participate in the annual Passover service on Passover night, as it is reserved for those who have been baptized into the one true Church of God. However, God requires non-baptized individuals to observe the annual seven days of Unleavened Bread. This includes two High Days (annual Sabbaths): the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread and the 7th Day of Unleavened Bread. During this period, one must eat unleavened bread each day for seven days, while abstaining from leavened bread products. All other clean foods can be consumed during this time.

(Directions for observing the Passover service for all baptized members of the Church of God can be found on the Publications page under “Passover Instructions.”)

Place of Safety

(See “Rapture / Place of Safety” in this Topics section)

Protection – Self Defense

Some people have asked if they can defend themselves from physical violence. The answer is that self-defense is justified, but taking a life in the process is not! It's that simple. If you belong to God and your life is in His hands, and if you are faithful and obedient to Him, God will intervene in such matters. This intervention may involve self-defense actions or fleeing, with God providing help to achieve deliverance.

If something happens, you must determine how far you would go in self-defense and what limitations you need to set for yourself. The key is to place your entire life in God's hands. He is your protection and strength. We are to look to God and not solely depend on our own ability to deliver ourselves and our family.

Even when we fully trust God, situations may arise where self-defense is necessary. Our attitude and spirit should reflect that our lives are in God's hands, but this does not mean we are shielded from all evil.

Being wise means preparing within reason for potential threats while also trusting God to help with what is beyond our control, knowing our lives are indeed in His hands.

Misunderstandings often arise from traditional Christian teachings about “turning the other cheek” when faced with bodily harm. This is a misrepresentation of Christ's teachings. We are fully allowed to use self-defense if warranted to protect ourselves or others from any kind of attack, with the limitation that taking a life is never justified.

Protection – What Should I Do?

As the world moves closer to a potential nuclear war, many people may start asking, “What should I do?” Common concerns include whether to move to a different location and how to prepare for what is coming. However, there is no place on earth that will be free from the destruction that is coming, so no location can be considered "totally safe." The most crucial step anyone can take to prepare for and survive the final tribulation is to draw closer to God.

God can provide protection regardless of one's physical situation or location. It is essential to rely on God for guidance and direction. The most important action to take is to seek to live by God's ways.

Yet, there is balance in this as well, as we are expected to be wise and to prepare for various circumstances as best we can within our means. This includes having some supplies of water and food for disasters and especially for what might come during a third world war.

Rapture / Place of Safety

The word "rapture" does not appear in the Bible. The concept of the rapture is relatively new and stems from man’s ideas rather than God's inspired word. The belief that people will go to heaven to be protected for seven years from end-time catastrophic events is not biblically supported. Those who believe in the rapture think they will be taken to heaven just before mankind faces horrifying disasters such as epidemics, plagues, large-scale calamities, and great wars that are believed to last for seven years.

Another similar belief is that during the threat of nuclear war, God will take individuals to a place called Petra in in the nation of Jordan for protection. This misunderstanding arises from not grasping that scriptures referring to Petra as a place of deliverance actually symbolize God (and Christ) as the Rock (Petra) who will deliver their people.

Indeed, there will be horrifying events, including a third world war, but these major events will last less than one year during the second and final prophetic fulfillment of the "Day of the Lord."

(Also see the next topic, “Rock that followed them – Explained”)

Rock that followed them – Explained

Many in the Church of God that became scattered after the end-time Apostasy have misinterpreted a basic scripture in 1 Corinthians 10. They believe these verses prove that Christ existed at the time of Moses, leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, and that Christ is therefore Yahweh Elohim of the Old Testament.

“Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ” (1 Cor. 10:1-4).

As the Israelites were led out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, God led them by a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day. God did not follow them out of Egypt; He led them.

“So Moses said to the Eternal (Yahweh Elohim), Then the Egyptians will hear it, for by Your might You brought these people up from among them, and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. They have heard that You, Eternal, are among this people and that You, Eternal, are seen face to face and Your cloud stands above them, and You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night” (Num. 14:13-14).

The Israelites were led out of Egypt after the last plague that God brought upon the Egyptians. God gave protection to all the Israelites who obeyed Him by observing the first Passover. Although they ate the Passover lamb, they did not understand its significance. It was a physical representation of what Christ would fulfill spiritually as the Lamb of God, sacrificed for all mankind.

Generations after the first Passover, Christ came to fulfill its spiritual meaning. He is the Rock who indeed followed, in time, in order to fulfill the Passover's spiritual significance and deeper meaning.

Years after Joshua's death, the apostle Paul instructed the Church in Corinth to observe the Passover and the annual Holy Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

“Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven [representing sin], that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened […having gotten rid of all leavening in their homes during this observance]. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the Feast, [Feast of Unleavened Bread – Lev. 23], not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor. 5:6-8).

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